10 trustees made up of 9 marae represented
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Te Kotahi a Tāmaki is a Charitable Trust, governed by the kōmiti whakahāere who are representatives of marae members.
The kōmiti whakahāere role is to set strategic goals, aligned to our vision of;
Whakamana ngā marae, whakamana ngā whānau
(strengthen marae and you will strengthen our people).
Kimiora Raerino
Mataatua Marae
Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Rangitihi
Ngāti Awa ki Tāmaki, Ngamaihi, Ngāti Rangiwewehi
Ko Mataatua ko Te Arawa ngā waka tapu
Ko Putauaki te maunga ko Tiheia ko Hauhungaroa ngā puke whakahira
Ko Rangitaiki ko Te Mimi o Pekehaua ko Taupo nui a Tia ngā wai koriporipo
Ko Ngāti Awa ko Te Arawa ko Tuwharetoa ngā iwi
Ko Ngamaihi ko Rangitihi ko Rangiwewehi ko Ngati Parekaawa ko Ngāti Awa ki Tāmaki Makaurau ngā hapū
Ko Tuteao ko Tarimano ko Poukura ko Mataatua ki Mangere ngā marae
Tihe mauri ora!!!!
Ko Kimiora Raerino ahau
Aspirations for TKAT?
To be viewed and utilised as a central hub and source of information and support for all marae.
To have an active role in achieving equity across marae.
To contribute to the development of capacity and sustainability of marae.
What do we do well?
A central source of information for all marae.
Taking a collective approach/action.
Although we offer a small support for marae – it is still useful and we do this well.
Martin Cooper
Co Chair & Trustee
Manurewa Marae
Ngāti Aamaru
Ko Taupiri te Maunga
Ko Waikato te Awa
Ko Waikato te Iwi
Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Te Wherowhero te Tangata
Aspirations for TKAT?
To strengthen the capacity & capability of every Marae
What do we do well?
Collaborate with Marae around funding & advocacy
Ted Ngataki
Whaataapaka Marae
Michelle Wilson
Ngāti Paoa
Ngāti Hura
Ko Kohukohunui te maunga
Ko Tikapakapa te moana
Ko Whakatiwai te awa
Ko Kotuiti tuarua te waka
Ko Wharekawa te marae
Aspirations for TKAT?
TKAT to be the example to help build marae capacity and capability to realise sustainable and Resilient communities.
What do we do well?
Equitable practices, Covid has been of huge benefit to allow marae to mahia te mahi where TKAT could advocate on behalf of to secure financial assistance.
Tamara Taka-Jones
Mangatangi Marae
Ngāti Tamaoho
Aspirations for TKAT?
My aspiration is to see Te Kotahi a Tāmaki become the leading role model in Tāmaki for and on behalf of Marae. That the model we present remains a simple and easy model that Marae can utilise and not be made to jump through hoops which is often the case for our people. That we source as many services as possible to add to our growth and that we remain humble
What do we do well?
I believe we offer a “no questions asked approach”. We are very good at putting people at ease and offer a simple pathway that whanau / Marae can follow and still maintain their dignity / mana
This above all else is what seperates us from other organisations and this we do extremely well
Georgie Thompson
Co Chair & Trustee
Ruapōtaka Marae
Ngāti Mahuta me Kotimana
Aspirations for TKAT?
For Kotahi a Tāmaki to strengthen and gain support by all marae across Tāmaki Makaurau to utilise as a platform of information, innovation, business/social enterprise and any other area to assist with improving our position as Māori individuals, whānau, hapū, iwi.
What do we do well?
Appreciate the regular communications, networking and training opportunities that TKaT provide to enhance opportunities for local Marae.
The strength of TKaT is growing and is gaining positive momentum with its position within Māori of Tāmaki Makaurau.
Margie Tukerangi
Te Aroha Pā
Ngāti Whātua / Pare Hauraki
Ngāti Whātua / Pare Hauraki
Aspirations for TKAT?
Supporting our marae to realise their potential.
What do we do well?
Network across marae and other parties to provide opportunities for marae to support their beneficiaries.
Mere Komene
Treasurer & Trustee
Manurewa & Te Kamaka Marae
Ngāti Whātua / Pare Hauraki
Ngāti Whātua / Pare Hauraki
I te taha o toku Papa
Mataatua te waka me Tauira-mai-tawhiti
Rangipoua te Maunga
Nga awa Haparapara, Rerepa, Waioira
Oomaaio te Moana
Oomaaio te Marae
Te Whanau a Nuku te Hapu
Rongaomaihuatahi te Whare
Te Rau Aroha te Wharekai
Te iwi Te Whanau a Apanui
I te taha o toku Whaea
Tongariro te Maunga
Pihanga te wahine
Taupo-nui-a-tia te Roto
Nga awa Kuratau me pungpunga
Nga whare Manunui-Ruakapanga me Te Ohaaki
Nga Marae Pukawa me Kauriki
Nga hapu Ngaati Manunui me Ngati Hinemihi
Nga rohe Te Arawa
Nga waka Te Arawa
Nga iwi Ngaati Tuwharetoa
Aspirations for TKAT?
Continue supporting and strengthening our people and Marae.
What do we do well?
Joint Projects/Activities.
Colleen Leauanae
Ngā Wai o Horotiu Marae
Te Rarawa / Ngāpuhi
Tao Maui / Ngāti Korokoro
Ko Taomaui me Whiria ngā maunga
Ko Te Moana Tāpokopoko-ā-Tāwhaki me Hokianga Whakapau Karakia ngā moana
He uri na Ngāpuhi me Te Rarawa
Ko Mātihetihe me Pakanae ngā marae
Ko Colleen Leauanae taku ingoa
He kaimahi i te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makaurau
Mauri Ora!
Aspirations for TKAT?
Te Kotahi a Tāmaki is actively committed to the communities we serve and is defined by whanaungatanga (a shared sense of belonging), one that offers a warm welcome, mutual trust, open communication, and diligent efforts to remove or mitigate barriers some groups may experience. We are committed to seeing our communities flourish.
What do we do well?
Te Kotahi a Tāmaki are well connected to the communities they serve, and are forthcoming in supporting Marae and groups deliver a tailored approach for their respective communities.
Rangi Mclean
Manurewa & Te Tira Hou Marae
Tuhoe, Waikato
Ngāi Tūhoe, Waikato Maniapoto, Ngāti Porou
Tuhoe moumou kai moumou taonga moumou tangata ki te po
Aspirations for TKAT?
To support Marae with Mana Motuhake, reaching their moemoea of all generations, through TKAT we hope to see all Marae doing well and able to meet their needs in serving their whānau, hapū, iwi and communities.
What do we do well?
TKAT are able to offer support, manaaki, mentoring, tools and funding. We also offer a platform for Marae to work, share and learn together.
Te Kotahi a Tāmaki currently have five staff, lead by Lorraine Douglas our Kaiwhakahaere. Together they work to achieve the goals set by the kōmiti whakahāere o Te Kotahi a Tāmaki. Our team is there to support our marae members to thrive and obtain their goal’s an aspirations. We are always working to empower our marae, ensuring that each marae holds strong to their own mana motuhake (cultural indigenous autonomy) but are still able to receive the rewards of collectivism and shared collaboration.
Te Kotahi a Tāmaki is a collective of mana whenua, mataawaka, taura here and kaupapa marae...
Promote and engage agencies to support work at a marae level. Support marae to achieve their...
Introducing Te Kōmiti Whakahāere, 10 trustees, 9 marae represented...
Our partners are the organisations who have similar values, vision and aspirations for our marae, whānau...
News relevant to TKAT and the marae collective...
Up-coming events relevant to TKAT and the marae collective...
Have a pātai or question you need answered? Contact us here...
Currently we have 34 Formal members and 15 supporting marae located around the...