Our Partners

Naku te rourou, nau te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket, the people will prosper

Partnerships are very important to our collective.  He nui ngā kōrero. These are the partnerships which we work together with to achieve greater outcomes for marae and for Māori.

Partnerships are very important to our collective.  He nui ngā kōrero. These are the partnerships which we work together with to achieve greater outcomes for marae and for Māori.

It’s a shared moemoeā on which we can connect in having shared values and aspirations. Together we understand the landscapes and the challenges that our Marae face.  Te Kotahi a Tāmaki advocates for marae leadership and mana motuhake.

This can be from the front or the back, but always in partnership to make things happen. Our partners support Te Kotahi a Tāmaki and the collective to address the challenges for our marae and for our people!

The following organisations are our key partners of Te Kotahi a Tāmaki who are considered our friends who we work closely with. Our partner’s are the organisations who have similar values, vision and aspirations for our marae, whānau, hapū and iwi. They understand the landscape and challenges, and together we support each other to achieve better outcomes for Māori and our marae.

Te Kotahi a Tāmaki aims to work alongside our membership and key funding partners to align our mahi to collective impact in particular Auckland Council, Te Puni Kōkiri, Department of Internal Affairs and Foundation North. We see these organisations as our critical partners to fulfill the moemoeā of Te Kotahi a Tāmaki. Our aspiration is to connect with other philanthropic organisations and corporates to help boost and catapult our action plans, increase awareness of Te Kotahi a Tāmaki and to create better outcomes for our whānau.

Our primary funder of Tūāpapa ā-Marae and our website, who supported us with meeting our milestones and developing key relationships.

The investment made to recover from COVID-19 builds a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive Māori economy

The collective and individual rights of Māori as tangata whenua are recognised, protected, supported, and invested in.

Māori have improved outcomes across key areas of government investment.

New Zealands diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous.

New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing, and using knowledge for social, cultural, and economic well-being.

The people of New Zealand have a strong and valued national identity, culture, and heritage.

Our secondary funder of Tūāpapa ā-Marae that supported us with scoping our plan, so that we capture the learning's, the journey and our growth.

All Aucklanders will be part of and contribute to society, access opportunities, and have the chance to develop to their full potential.

A thriving Māori identity is Aucklands point of difference – it advance’s prosperity for Māori and benefit’s all Aucklanders.

Aucklanders live in secure, healthy, and affordable home’s, and have access to a range of inclusive public places.

Aucklanders will be able to get where they want to go more easily, safely, and sustainably.

Aucklanders preserve, protect and care for the natural environment as our shared cultural heritage for its intrinsic value and for the benefit of present and future generations.

Auckland is prosperous, with many opportunities, and delivers a better standard of living for everyone.

Equity means that everyone in society is valued the same and has the same access to opportunities. An equitable society is one that is fair, without bias and where all people can thrive on their own terms.

Social inclusion means that everyone feels valued and included as part of our society, can access opportunities and influence decision’s that affect them.

A regenerative environment approach supports a deeper understanding of the relationship between people and Te Taiao (the environment).

Participation in positive activities improves community wellbeing.

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